Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ex Parte Paxton; The Constitutional victims, part one.

Perpetrator: Judge Julie Paxton
Jurisdiction: Floyd County Family Court, Kentucky (includes Knott and Magoffin which are disenfranchised from the election of the shared family court judge)
Victim: Sharon Lynn Storm, aka Sharon Mullins
Case file: No. 2005-CA-000647-ME Kentucky Court of Appeals.

How long does it take a judge to strip away a parents constitutional rights? It took Judge Julie Paxton exactly three minutes, according to Justice Guidugli of the Kentucky Appeals Court.

Continued in the Comment Section

1 comment:

Amy Mischler said...

Continued from the Main Page

Without giving judicial notice to the mother, Judge Paxton “held a brief, three-minute hearing on June 20, 2002” stripping Sharon of her parental rights.

In violation of KRS 199.470 (1), and without written consent to the adoption, Judge Paxton held that the paternal grandparents were the new adoptive parents in three little minutes.

Judge Paxton didn’t even take three minutes to send Sharon a copy of the Judgment of Adoption to notify Sharon that she had been stripped of her parental rights.

The Guardian Ad Litem, John T. Chafin took time to interview the paternal grandparents. But he didn’t take three minutes to even interview Sharon, the mother. Chafin gave full biased support to the paternal grandparents seeking adoption.

Around June 18, 2002, Kathleen Bohr, Family Services office Supervisor took three minutes to type a letter stating “The petition states that both parents have consented to the adoption”. But didn’t take the three minutes to get the proper forms signed by the parents. According to Justice Guidugli, “Attached to the report were unsigned forms”.

Sharon never received official notice of the adoption. It took her two and half years to get to court (it probably took her that long to raise enough money to hire an attorney). Because of this delay, and the fact her attorney didn’t come out and yell FRAUD!!!!, the Kentucky Appeals Court affirmed this travesty of justice??!!

It only takes three minutes to lose your parental rights in Judge Paxton’s courtroom. She doesn’t have to give notice, and doesn’t have to the follow the law which requires consent.

That’s 180 seconds; tick tock.

Many thanks to the Lone Dissenter for helping me correctly edit my post :)