Monday, February 21, 2022

Keith Hall Part 2: Due Process Denial Part A

You can see the official documents referenced in this posting at Due Process Denial 3. I requested child support from your office in June 2005. Your office did nothing. Your office stated that I would receive a letter for an appointment within a couple of weeks. I did not receive an appointment. Moreover, I had visited your office in September and November requesting an appointment. Your office would not set an appointment. I then asked for a specific appointment with you which was set for December. Unsatisfied with that, I visited your criminal division and spoke with you on the telephone. I then went to the child support division and had them cancel the appointment December with Hall. I was told by the child support workers once again, that I would be sent a letter with an appointment date. I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED AN APPOINTMENT DATE WITH THE PIKE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT OFFICE. See PCA-OR-12 My children went without health insurance from sometime before June 2005 until February 2006 while your office DID nothing, meanwhile other single mothers and their children received timely child support representation from your office. I had to endure domestic violence from my ex husband, attorney Jonah Stevens who is Your, Keith Halls personal friend by receiving "voluntary child support payments" which Stevens would periodically terminate given his mood, while you Keith Hall WOULD NOT prosecute Stevens to have mandatory child support payments set from June 2005 until April 2006. On November 29, 2007, unable to afford to take my children to the Dr. I filed for a KCHIP insurance card for them because the Pike County Attorneys Office would not do their job. My children were denied KCHIP insurance because, attorney Jonah Stevens refused to verify his income with the KCHIP office and the Pike County Attorneys Office would not make attorney Jonah Stevens comply. See Dec.12-2005 & Nov.29-2005 4. On November 29, 2005; Pike County Assistant Attorney Kyle Deskins filed a motion to redocket the child support issues with the Pike County Family Court. However, the motion was filed without Deskins or any of the Child Support staff meeting with me. You, Keith Hall obstructed justice by filing a motion to make it facially look as if your office was working on the file, but actually had done nothing. Deskins, an attorney purposely failed to put on the document when the motion would be heard. The motion has never been heard. See Nov.29-2005. 5. Deskins attempted to cover up the Pike County Attorneys failure to act by stating that the certificate of service that the motion was filed on November 28th, the same day before I applied for KCHIP. However, the Pike County Attorney did not actually file the motion until November 29th but he mailed me a copy without the court stamp on November 30th. Deskins purposely placed the wrong date on the certificate of service is a violation of the Kentucky rules. See Nov.28-2005 and Nov.29-2005. In addition, Kyle Deskins DID NOT mail the order until November 30. See Nov.30-2005ENV Please note; Kyle Deskins used the US Postal mail to send a court record which he knew had a fraudulent date. 6. In December, I filed a motion noticing the Court of Hall's failure to do anything AND Hall's conflict of interest in failing to prosecute his personal friend Stevens. Hall then filed a notice stating that he INTENDED to withdraw from the case. Hall has never actually withdrawn from the case See Dec.25-2005.


Anonymous said...

more fantasy storys by the liar Amy Stevens now for the truth she has not a child but aborted many she has a warrent for her arrest in Dayton Ohio and under invesgication for drug dealing by the DEA,also she just killed a man by traveling at a high rate of speed ran a stop sign drunk and under the influnce of her drunks her live in today is Richard Garcia a known drug dealer with a drug line from toledo,ohio to atlanta Mi.and hated by the local community he has supply Amy from the age of 18 now at 38 then she writes a story of lies and talking about due process her morals after leaving her royaltis that she never had a common thought of paying for dads funural how cold hearted

Amy Mischler said...


I am not the Amy "Stevens" which you are talking about.

For example, my father is alive and well. All that other stuff is nonsence too.

You need to be sure of whom you are talking about. I only posted to let you know that I am not that Amy "Stevens".